Knee Pain After Squatting? You Might Have Iliotibial Friction Band Syndrome

Posted on: 29 December 2015

Do you enjoy squatting but find yourself suffering from knee pain afterwards? Squats are a divisive issue in the fitness world. Some experts completely support them due to their effectiveness as a compound movement. Other fitness experts abhor them due to the potential for serious injury. The truth is somewhere in the middle. The American College Of Sports Medicine says squats are safe and effective, but only when you use correct form.
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Treating The Effects Of Morton's Toe

Posted on: 29 December 2015

In centuries gone by, the foot disorder known as Morton's toe was considered aesthetically pleasing. However, doctors and podiatrists now know that Morton's toe, while not a serious condition, can cause a range of debilitating side effects, ranging from calluses and corns to back pain and joint damage.  What is Morton's toe? Morton's toe is characterised by a shortened big toe bone (the first metatarsal) in relation to the second toe bone (the second metatarsal).
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Olympic Lifting: Why You Should Train Barefoot or With Minimalist Weightlifting Shoes

Posted on: 26 October 2015

The human foot is a complex tool, comprising 42 muscles, 26 bones, 33 joints and around 50 tendons and ligaments all working together to create a functional moving part. Every day your feet have to absorb the constant stresses and strains of your weight and motion. When you're performing Olympic lifts and squats, you're essentially subjecting your body to an unnatural amount of vertical force. If you aren't training barefoot or wearing the correct footwear, you're placing all of your lower limbs at risk.
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Non-Surgical Treatments To Relieve The Pain Of Bunion

Posted on: 23 June 2015

Having a sore and painful bunion is never a fun experience, but it is a sad fact of life that they only way to truly cure a bunion is to have invasive surgery to remove it. However, if you've got a bunion that needs removing, you'll probably be looking at a lengthy waiting list for the surgery. With the potential to be hobbled for many months before your foot is cure, it's important to see out non-surgical methods of alleviating bunion pain, helping you keep your mobility and independence before you go under the knife.
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